The Rand’Albanaise

Created back in 2015 and organized by the Saint-Alban festivities committee , The Rand’Albanaise is a concept that mixes sport and food in the gorgeous decor of Margeride !

Friends, landscapes & local history

What’s the program ? 3 walking trails, from 8 to 20 km, and 4 mountain bike trails, from 15 to 60 km, also accessible with an electric moutain bike. Every year, a new area of Margeride is showecased. And there’s a trail for every body : from the occasional hiker to the super athletic sportperson.

  • The best part of this event ? Each trail is puncutated with appealing and yummy “refuelling” stations ! And yes, it’s made only with local foods !

Upon getting back to their starting point, participants will enjoy a delicious local traditional meal prepared by the cooks a the Maison Vincens, near the Scénovision of Saint-Alban.

The Rand’Albanaise in a nutshell

  • When : Every year at the end of septembre (second or third saturday)
  • Where : near Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole in Lozère
  • Sleeping : Several accomodations are available if you want to make your stay longer than a single day. Search for and book your stay here.
  • How to sign up : go directly to the event website by clicking here.

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