The Malzieu's Medieval Festival

Somewhere near the borders of Lozère, nestled between two mountains and bordered by a beautiful river, hides a pretty medieval town full of flowers… It is here, in the cobbled streets of Malzieu-Ville, on its large public squares and on the banks of the Truyère river that an astonishing journey through time takes place every year… Indeed when the long weekend break for the Ascension holiday comes, this peaceful town comes to life and becomes the theatre of the great Malzieu’s Medieval Festival !

How would you like to travel through time ?

For 3 days, amateurs, curious people, families and friends of all ages gather by the hundreds to feast merrily in this quaint little village whose coat of arms still has the same nickname: the pearl of the valley….

Open-air shows, troubadours, gourmet taverns, festive strolls, reconstitution of a medieval village and discovery of forgotten trades: throughout the weekend, the festival is in full swing from morning to evening and the valley resounds with the sounds of drums, bagpipes, lutes and fiddles!

The Malzieu’s Medieval Festival, an unmissable event !

It is a large scale medieval festival during which new activities and discoveries are offered to visitors each year ! And to create the right atmosphere, the whole town is decorated with colourful pennants, flags and hangings.  For the craftsmen, shopkeepers and most of the inhabitants, the costumes are out!

In other words, the immersion is almost total ! An unmissable event for those fascinated by the Middle Ages but also for the curious wanderer… The atmosphere is good-natured and will delight both children and adults.

In a nutshell :

  • When : Every year during Ascension week-end
  • Where : Le Malzieu-Ville in Lozère
  • Sleeping : Our advice would be not to take any chances and book your hotel room, house or bed&breakfast stay as soon as possible. The sooner the better if you wish to sleep close to the festivities. Select your humble abode by searching through our list of accomodations.
  • Eating : Several restaurants and a tavern await you in the center of the village. No worries, you surely will not starve ! A small supermarket and numerous little shops will also allow you to purchase enough goods to sustain yourself if you happened to despise the menus offered by the cooks at the tavern and the Ins !
  • Booking : Only one show during the entire week-end requires in-advance booking. All other shows and demonstrations consist of free open-air shows and street-ambulations. To book you seats please refer to our Malzieu-Ville Tourist Information Center physicaly, by email ou by phone. It is also possible to book your seats and send you payment up to 1 week before the event. After that, only front-desk bookings allowed.

So, are you coming ?

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