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Etang de La Chazette ©Jean-Sébastien Caron

I tested for you : a "Poney Liberty" outing…

Family style

Our friends the animals

Outdoor fun


“What are we doing today ?!”

Entertaining your kids during holidays whether you are working or on a day off can sometimes be…complicated. But what child wouldn’t dream of riding a pony ? And with mom and dad guiding it, it’s even more fun !

The concept

“Poney Liberty” begins with a call to Sonia at la Cavale du Malzieu poney club, and when you arrive, a little friend is waiting for you, ready to make you discover new sensations : a quarter of an hour, half an hour or a whole hour, it depends on the weather and on the child’s stamina.

After the safety briefing, you’ll put on your helmet and go on a short circuit amongst the riverside and among a pond. Mom and dad supervise the trip.

Then you take your pony back at the centre, where you can brush it and pet it.

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Flore de Margeride ©Jean-Sébastien Caron

A great idea for a short activity with kids !

  • What age is it best suited for ?

Kids over three, future horse lovers and those who want to spend some time outdoors.

  • Why is it cool?

Because Sonia makes no fuss : call her, come and enjoy !

This place is enchanting and respect of the animals is primordial.

Here Sim, Astérix or Oslo wait for their companions and walk them around calmly before going back to their pastures.

No pressure : discover new sensations, learn to respect the animals and explore new places in a different way.

Quick reminder

Poney Liberty indeed, but you should still call beforehand to make sure that they are availabilities because in La Cavale poney club, animals are treated well and won’t do more than they can.

Important, plan on wearing appropriate clothing :

  • Trousers,
  • Trainers because even if the ponies are nice they might step on your toes (this also applies to the parents !),
  • A certified helmet will be provided to you.

And most important of all : take your time ! Sonia and her colleagues may be busy when you arrive, so while you’re waiting for her to welcome you, stroll around, look at the horses and the other riders… Enjoy while you wait !

  • How much does it cost ? Between 7,00€ and 12;00€ euros, depending on the lenght of your outing

For further information

From discovering the equestrian world to trekking in the middle of nature, La Cavale du Malzieu poney club is specialized in outdoor riding. The environment and the preserved setting of the Margeride offer countless possibilities of activities. Lessons, hikes, discovery treks, don’t hesitate to ask Sonia for advice.

La Cavale du Malzieu, Sonia BRIMEUR, La Chazette – 48140 Le Malzieu-Ville. Phone : 06 85 53 36 45 soniab@cheval-rando.com

06 85 53 36 45

La Chazette 48140 Le Malzieu-Ville

When to come ?

Booking advised | Open daily through july and august